Farafina Institute discussion paper series presents theoretical and empirical contributions on governance and policymaking issues. Findings and recommendations in this peer-reviewed series aim to inform policymaking and to contribute to the overall African research community.
Context specific research is required to foster a development process in Africa that meets existential challenges. In highlighting this requirement, this paper argues for the development of appropriate theories, methodologies, and conceptualization of phenomena founded on African ontologies and epistemologies.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a short overview and summary of the theoretical discussion on the usefulness and potential contribution of policy research to policymaking in Africa. It also discusses briefly some of the major existing challenges that undermine policy research organizations capabilities in playing their role in the process of policy development in Africa.
This discussion calls for a deepened and embedded regional integration process, in the context of southern Africa, which would essentially be premised on regional social policy. Its central thesis is that once the regional social policy is institutionalized at the supranational level, by regional governments, the region’s efforts towards regional integration would also be crystallized.