Transformations in Ghana: Turning ideas into business start-ups
Program Area
Youth Business Development
Transformations in Ghana: Turning ideas into business start–ups GIZ/CIM funded project in Ghana August 2020 to March 2022
Transformation of youth for successful lives as entrepreneurs is feasible and holds prospects for self and national development in Ghana. In this project, titled Transformations in Ghana: Turning ideas into business start–ups, Farafina Institute and its partner, Youth Network for Human Rights and Democracy in Ghana, seek tobuild capacities of 32 youth entrepreneurs in Ghana to access funds and develop their businesses into viable, competitive ventures. A central component of this project is the goal to provide fact-based information about migration to the youth participants in order to enable informed migration choices. The migration component is also to encourage youth to explore potentials in Ghana an option to migration. Jointly funded by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM), Farafina Institute builds on the earlier project titled Spreading the Word on Potentials for Excellence in Ghana. Thus, this current project targets outcomes that are steps above and more practical than the predecessor project. In terms of activities, the project will achieve its goals through training sessions on migration narrative, workshops across the entire country, zoned into three to cover the 16 regions, to further enhance participants’ entrepreneurial skills, and a research component to highlight the environmental potential and challenges that could affect youth business development.
Key outcomes of the project include business registration at the end of the project by majority of the youth participants, skills and knowledge in developing business plans, knowledge of funding sources, and expertise in migration narratives where participants serve as influencers for informed migration choices by young people. As before, the Farafina Institute’s portal for youth entrepreneurs to exchange, Action Portal, will be a central medium for the participants to engage with peers within and outside Ghana.
Click on the boxes below to learn about our partipicants’ businesses.
Evaluation report: Read about participants’views andlevel of satisfactionabouttheproject based on ananalysis of survey results.
Information on (crowd-)funding: Get an overview of funding opportunities for small businesses and business start–upsin Ghana or get basic tips on running a crowdfunding campaign an alternative or complementary strategy in raising funds for a business start–up.
Business tutorial: Learn about how tosetup aconcreteandfeasiblebusinessplan andtoturnyourideasintoaction.