Our Topics

Our Actions

Farafina Institute’s experts and researchers come with diverse expertise in research, project formulation, and project implementation. We follow high-standard methodologies and analyses that generate high-quality research and project results.




Policy Analysis


Project Implementation


Capacity Building


Study and Exchange Travels

Education and participation of migrants and African diaspora

Promotes the social inclusion of children and young people with migrant backgrounds by fostering their effective access to the universal right to education; encourages inclusive policy making so that governments, authorities, schools, and communities take action to promote and implement policies and measures aimed at reinforcing equity and social justice.

  • Voice of Refugees
  • Refugee Stories
  • SIRIUS: Policy Network on Migrant Education
  • AVIOR: Multilingual Teaching Materials Forum for Migrant Pupils in Europe

Farafina Travels

Experience Innovation and Inspiration with Farafina Travels (FT)

Transformative Social Change

The Transformative Social Change program area is designed to investigate profound, enduring, fundamental, irreversible, and radical metamorphosis occurring in Africa. We understand Transformative Social Change as a radical shift in dominant paradigms, underlying systems and ways of thought, believes, and values that shape people’s behaviors.

International Youth Exchanges

  • Participate
  • Participate Swaziland – Germany
  • Participate South Africa – Zimbabwe – Germany
  • EChange: Change through Exchange
  • EChange.02: Change through Exchange

Participation and economic empowerment of young people

Transformation of youth for successful lives as entrepreneurs is feasible and holds prospects for self and national development in Ghana.

  • Spreading the World on Potentials for Excellence in Ghana
  • Transformations in Ghana: Turning Ideas into Business Start-Ups

Our Partners & Supporters