Completed Projects

Change Through Exchange: Training Young Change Makers Through European-African Exchange

Change Through Exchange: Training Young Change Makers Through European-African Exchange

Program Area

Young people as change agents through exchange

The project creates an exchange between young people from African and young people with African backgrounds from Europe and encourages them to jointly become active for Social Development Goal 10 – the reduction of inequalities. The core activity to bring young people together for joint action is an exchange and learning visit in Germany in June 2018.

Young people as change agents through exchange

In a globalised world where inequalities persist on different levels, young people increasingly have the desire and understand the need to cooperate with other young people in the world for joint action for social wellbeing and the reduction of inequalities but often lack the opportunities to do so. This project creates a space for an international group of young people and facilitates their exchange and joint action.

Young people from Africa interacting with young people with African origins in Europe

The project brings young people from Africa together with young people of African origin from Europe; hence it enables unique encounters and reflections about commonalities in history, life experiences, politics, institutions, justice, political and governmental systems, education systems, opportunities of political and social participation of young people, and future motivations.

Several countries of Africa and Europe are represented

The programme brings together young people from two European countries (Germany and UK) and three African countries (Ghana, Swaziland and Zimbabwe).

Development of further follow-up projects as part of the project activities

It is one of the goals of this project to encourage and provide space and support for the participants to jointly think about and develop concepts for follow-up projects, which they would find beneficial to conduct together. Thereby, the participants will develop further as a group during the project and beyond.

Contributing to the International Decade for People of African Descent

The project makes a contribution to the core areas defined by the International Decade for People of African Descent – recognition, justice and development by enabling joint action between young people of African descent in Europe and Africa for the fostering of equal rights and the elimination of inequalities.

The project is funded by Erasmus+ and co-funded by the German organisation Engagement Global’s (EG) newly launched ‘German-African Youth Initiative’.


Farafina Institute e.V.



University of Swaziland

Foot Print for Change

The University of Zambia

Youth Network for Human Right and Democracy

African Caribbean Diversity

Co-funded by: Engagement Global