FI Reflections
Hanza Diman
Bayreuth, Bamberg, January 2022
After two and a half months of negotiations, consultations and concessions, the trio of Social Democrats (SPD), Greens (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN) and Liberals (FDP), winners of the recent federal elections in Germany, finally agreed on the formation of the Ampel-Koalition. This three-way marriage…
Peter Narh and Lamine Doumbia
Bamberg, January 2022
Should we celebrate our lives as years tick away or rather mourn our fate? Farafina Institute has over the past year, 2021, observed events in the world that justify mourning by most of us. Yet, at the same time last year and the year before, events offer us all in the world a timely cause to celebrate the re-emergence…
Claudia Koehler
Bamberg, December 2020
2020 will remain in our memories as the year of Covid-19; the year when most people’s focus was on avoiding infection by the dreadful virus. Most of us were convinced that keeping distance from other people, disinfecting our hands, wearing masks, avoiding gatherings and travels, and following several other rules of…
Claudia Koehler
Bamberg, December 2019
Captivity is not close to wellbeing; it is the opposite of it. I always understood that the more I work towards my dream and imagine it, the more I will be able to establish it in reality. But passion and effort are not all that it takes to achieve a dream; in the absence of freedom and peace, dreams cannot come to reality; they will remain invisible.
Dr. Jacques Owono
Montréal, 21.12. 2018
All over the Christian world, people are getting ready for Christmas festivities. Emmanuel, God with us, incarnates himself in the child Jesus, in a manger in Bethlehem. In our collective imagination, Christmas is therefore the day of the children, symbolized by the visit of the famous Santa Claus with his many gifts for kids. This tradition, from near or far…
Dr. Jacques Owono
Montréal, 21.12. 2018
Partout dans le monde – chrétien en tout cas – on s’apprête pour les festivités de Noël. L’Emmanuel, Dieu avec nous, s’incarne en l’enfant Jésus, dans une crèche à Bethléem. La fête de Noël est donc, dans notre imaginaire collectif, la fête des enfants, symbolisée par la visite du fameux père Noël avec ses nombreux cadeaux pour les tout-petits…
Dr. Jacques Owono
Montréal, 21.12. 2018
Auf der ganzen christlichen Welt bereiten sich die Menschen auf die
Weihnachtsfeierlichkeiten vor. Emmanuel, Gott mit uns, verkörpert sich im Kind Jesus, in einer Krippe in Bethlehem. Weihnachten ist daher in unserer gemeinsamen Vorstellung, dem Kinderfest, symbolisiert durch den Besuch des berühmten Weihnachtsmanns mit seinen vielen Geschenken für Kinder. Diese Tradition, von nah oder fern, spricht uns alle an…..
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